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Change the World, South Africa

IT Training Centres


There is an urgent need for ICT Skills in the workforce as well as youth and young adults equipped with quality ICT literacy and entry-level qualifications.  An IT Training Centre focuses on developing these critical skills and integrating the IT Training with key soft skills which will enable a swifter uptake of these students into the workforce, once the studies have been completed.


Change the World Trust seeks to be a catalytic partner and enabling entity in promoting ‘high-level personal [ICT] knowledge’, which will accelerate government’s goal of developing a new generation of ‘trainee ICT engineers, programmers and software developers’. (Department of Education 2003)


To provide under-resourced communities, especially unemployed youth and high-school students, specialized and practical IT Courses through a sustainable national network of IT Learning Centers in secondary schools. 


  • To provide employment opportunities to technically gifted unemployed youth
  • To actively engage in Enterprise Development, IT Business Training and Mentoring with entrepreneurial individuals and the community.

Change the World Trust currently operates fully resourced IT Training Centres, across Southern Africa and continues to grow year by year.

Each centre is a fully equipped IT classroom which serves to up-skill students, teachers, unemployed youth and staff from other learning centers/ NPO’s.



Through collaboration with local organizations and corporations this project goes beyond basic beneficiary training but also:

  • Provides further training opportunities and advanced courses
  • Placement & employment services such as referring students for technology oriented positions, learnerships and internships. 
  • Work readiness and CV creation workshops as well as soft-skills courses ensure that students understand and are cognizant of employer expectations and etiquette.
  • Curriculum Development and an enablement of other NPOs to implement ICT training for their communities and youth-oriented programs.



CTW is MICT (ex ISETT) SETA Accredited Training Provider since late 2011. 


This is the Main IT Centre of Change the World Trust, launched in February 2009 with 45 youth in the Olievenhoutbosch Township. After serious crime issues the center was relocated to Midrand where its impact scaled up thanks to the increased accessibility of the center from the following beneficiary communities: Olievenhoutbosch, Diepsloot, Alexandra, Tembisa & other low income areas. It now functions as the Hub for all of Change the World Trusts’core activities, from project management to advanced classes and training to workshops.

Contact Details: 011 455 2282

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 



A smaller but very effective centre, Dipesloot Training Centre is right in the middle of the township, providing easy access for all beneficiaries in the area. Unemployed youth, single moms and high school students are now benefitting from this training.

Contact Details: 081 743 9489

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Located in the heart of northern Johanensburg this center caters to Youth from Zandspruit, Cosmo and Honey Dew. Classes are fun , exciting and  highly educational. Come in and get your qualification today.

Contact Details: 072 936 9489

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


Eastern Cape

This IT centre is having a huge impact in this Province. Young people who never touched a computer before now have the opportunity to learn PC Basics which will allow them not only to expand their job search and further education horizons but to also have a tangible skills when applying for various positions in the business community. Receiving this training now provides them with knowledge, motivation, self confidence and inspiration to continue searching for purposeful employment. Numerous students have been coming back to the centre to thank the trainers for tehir efforts and tell them about the jobs they have found. 

Contact Details: 011 455 2282

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 



This is our first Center outside South Africa and it is located in the capital Maputo. The Youth of Mozambique. 

Contact Details: +27 11 455 2282

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 



Launched in 2015 in partnershio with UNICO, we have an IT Center in Verena C that caters to over 100 students a month in this community and its surrounding. This center is producing excellent results every month and students are highly motivated every day thanks to the fantastic work from UNICO in support from Change the World HQ.

Contact Details: 073 819 1939 / 011 455 2282

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


Project Photos

HOC MP 2.jpg

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Contact Us

Phone: +27 (0)10 226 9499

Physical Address: Flexible Workspace Office 14,106 Johan Avenue, Sandton, 2196, Johannesburg

Email: [email protected]